Disney offers Mulan for children’s hospitals.


Each week, we offer Disney movies via a program that Disney has made available for children’s hospitals. The program is called Disney Screening Room. Disney has curated a variety of popular films. Sometimes when a new movie is premiered to the public, Disney will include that movie with their program. 

In early September Disney released their long-awaited live action version of Mulan. People who had Disney+ were the only ones able to watch this feature as long as they paid for this premium ability. Not every family has access to Disney+. Many families in the hospital may not want to allocate funds and would not be able to join in the excitement of this new film. Yet many families were encouraged to find that Mulan was available to them.

Here is one family’s experience: A current patient and her mom were so excited that they would be able to see the new Mulan here in the hospital. The patient had been watching the trailer and her mom said she had been so hopeful that it would be available. Our patient's eyes lit up when she saw that it was the movie scheduled for that day!

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Featured Artist: Cadence


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