Why to Sing to Your Baby


When I work with infants and their parents, I always try to encourage parents to sing to their children. Here are 5 reasons why you should sing to your child instead of putting on a CD:

It Encourages Bonding

There is no rule that says you need to sing children’s songs. You can sing any song you feel comfortable singing. It’s not the song that’s important, it’s the connection you make while singing to your child. If you don’t feel comfortable singing, try holding your baby to your chest and humming a song. The vibrations that occur when you hum are very soothing to your baby and encourages bonding.

Language Development

Songs have a natural rhythm and rhyming nature to them. When they are introduced at a younger age you are introducing your infant to pre-literacy skills and prepare them for reading later on. By singing to your baby, you also can begin to introduce songs from other cultures in different languages.

It's Soothing

When you take the time to sit and sing to your baby, you are learning more about them and what makes them relax. Music itself is calming and comforting and can be an immediate way to soothe your child when they are agitated and upset.

Control Over Volume and Speed

Having control over the volume and speed of the song you are singing is one of the most beneficial parts of providing music live. You can read the signs your baby is giving you and respond to them. For example, if you notice your baby smiles when you sing the Wheels on the Bus at a faster tempo, you know this is enjoyable to them and you want to sing it a few more times to keep the smiles coming.

It’s Fun!

Your baby doesn’t care if your voice sounds like Beyonce or Elmo from Sesame Street. This is your chance to sing outside of the shower and have an appreciative and non-judgmental audience. As your baby grows, you can’t expect your baby to sing if you don’t sing to them. So find your favorite song and rock on!


Sofia's Fight Song