Our Community of Supporters

Our Community of Supporters: The Heartbeat of Music Therapy at UCSF

Behind every successful program, there's a strong community. At UCSF Benioff Children's SF, we're fortunate to have an incredible network of individuals and organizations supporting our music therapy program. This post highlights some members of our broader team and hopefully conveys our gratitude!

The UCSF Family

Our work thrives thanks to the collaborative spirit within UCSF. For example, we recently had the opportunity to engage with incoming class of physician residents, shedding light on our role within the children's hospital.

Our music therapy sessions also see regular participation from doctors and nurses, demonstrating that creativity and playfulness have a place in everyone's life. When they can be involved in the creating, patients (with their families) and the healthcare team see each other in a different light. There is more connectedness, empathy, and compassion.

We’ve had the pleasure of presenting at several UCSF-sponsored educational meetings and events, including the Osher Mini Med School, engaging the broader UCSF community in a dialogue about our mission.

In their daily practice, our committed physicians and nurses champion the use of music therapy. Having witnessed its transformative impact firsthand, they actively ensure that patients who stand to benefit have access to this therapeutic modality.

Beyond the Hospital Walls

Our connections extend beyond the hospital, forging bonds that strengthen our mission. We've had the opportunity to lecture about music therapy at a variety of community events. For example, Matt recently lectured about Music and the Brain at Freight and Salvage in Berkeley, which was part of a lecture series hosted by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Brianna and Jenny recently presented at the Western Region of the American Music Therapy conference on the topic of Virtual Music Therapy Groups. In her first international appearance, Brianna is on her way to Vancouver in a few weeks to present on NICU Music Therapy at the World Congress of Music Therapy!

One of the unique partnerships we cherish is with the esteemed musicians of the San Francisco Symphony. These talented individuals make regular visits to our hospital, transforming our units into concert halls with their remarkable performances. During the height of the pandemic, when they couldn’t visit in person, they still offered their talents over Zoom. Their music not only provides a soothing and uplifting atmosphere but also brings a piece of the vibrant San Francisco arts scene into the lives of our patients. The Symphony’s commitment to our program reflects the power of collaboration between healthcare and the arts, reminding us that healing can be facilitated through various expressive channels. These visits are highly anticipated by our patients and staff alike, providing joy, inspiration, and a shared community experience.

We are fortunate to have other strong partnerships that amplify our impact. One of these is with the Ukulele Kids Club, an organization dedicated to donating ukuleles to children in music therapy programs, providing our patients with tools for expression and self-discovery. High school groups have shown their support through fundraisers and performances, while Kala generously donates ukuleles for our special ukulele class for dads in the Intensive Care Nursery.

A Big Thank You

Every reader of this newsletter, every person who forwards it or visits our blog, plays a significant role in our community. Your ongoing support and advocacy are invaluable.

And, of course, our program wouldn't exist without the generous contributions of our donors. Your unwavering support ensures we can continue to offer essential services to the children we serve.

Thank you for being a part of our journey, for contributing to our mission, and for making a difference in the lives of our patients.


New Music Therapy Intern-Caroline


Virtual Groups: It’s Not Over Yet